Cahier des charges
Pour l'étape 1 "Short Proposal", la partie B doit faire 12 pages ou moins.
Pour l'étape 2 "Full Proposal", la partie B doit faire 50 pages ou moins.
Dans les cas, ce document doit suivre les modèles imposés par la Commission européenne disponibles sur la plateforme de candidature mais aussi dans la boîte à outils du PCN EIC Accélérateur.
Les dossiers de candidature des étapes 1 "Short Proposal" et 2 "Full Proposal" se composent de plusieurs éléments. Il est primordial de s'assurer de l'homogénéité des informations indiquées sur chacun. Les incohérences interpellent les évaluateurs et peuvent vous desservir.
L'ensemble des questions de la partie B de l'étape 1 "Short Proposal" se retrouve dans la partie B de l'étape 2 "Full Proposal" en plus détaillées voire découpées en plusieurs questions. Il peut donc être pertinent de rédiger les réponses de l'étape 1 en consultant les attendus de l'étape 2.
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "1 - Company description: "Describe your company, explain your vision and your ambition to scale up." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "1 - Company description: Explain the core mission and vision of your company. Explain who are the key partners and their expected contributions (e.g. a first lead customer, a university, potential user groups, partners for clinical trials, etc.). Describe the key assets of your company (e.g. offices, laboratories, access to production facilities). Highlight the top 3 to 5 clients or sell side partners and their share of revenues (if applicable), the top 3 to 5 suppliers and share of cost of goods sold (COGS) or operational expenses (OPEX), and the top 3 to 5 advisors (business, scientific, other) their role and their OPEX cost." |
Pour l'étape 1 "Short Proposal", il n'est pas indispensable de faire la liste des 3 à 5 clients, partenaires, fournisseurs et conseillers les plus importants mais il est toujours positif de pouvoir donner des noms d'organisations et/ou d'experts reconnus dans votre secteur d'activité ayant des liens avec votre projet.
Le problème/l'opportunité de marché
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "2 - The problem/market opportunity: Describe the problem you are trying to address from the customer/user point of view. Explain why it is a problem and for whom." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "2 - The problem/market opportunity: Describe the problem you have identified and explain why it is a problem and for whom. Describe the unsatisfied need of potential customers." |
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "3 - The innovation: Solution/Product or Services (USP): Present the solution; explain how it works in practice, what it changes for potential users, the way(s) in which it is unique, why it has breakthrough potential, why it is better than existing solutions, explain concretely how you have achieved the current TRL level, and describe why now is the right time to bring it to the market." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "3 - The innovation: Solution/Product or Services (USP): Explain in simple terms and with graphs if needed, how your solution works, its main features and what key areas are still subject to improvements/innovation. Value proposition: explain what is unique and has breakthrough potential; how this addresses the problem; how it is better than existing solutions; and why now is the right time to bring it to the market. Development stage: describe your technological achievements so far; specify which Technology Readiness Level this has attained; and describe to what extent your solution has been validated/certified and by whom. Please explain using a case study1 (test, pilot, PoC, etc.). For health companies, explain the specifics of what clinical trials you have conducted, if any, and to what level. IP strategy: explain your strategy to protect your intellectual property. List your key patents including their registration number and their status, mention key relevant scientific publications. Specify patents from others for which you have secured the right of use. Explain if you are combining patents and trade secrets. Explain how you ensure your freedom to operate and provide supporting documents in the mandatory annex "Results of the freedom to operate Analysis". 1: You should explain who it was for, how much they were paid, what is the environment in which the case study was performed (background, context, and physical environment), what was the problem, what metrics were associated with the problem, what did the solution bring to solve this, how did the metrics evolve with the solution, and if/how is the client looking to deploy it internally." |
Le sujet de la propriété intellectuelle n'est pas directement évoqué dans l'étape 1 "Short Proposal" mais il peut être pertinent de l'évoquer dès cette étape. Pour les brevets co-détenus, il est apprécié de clarifier les accords signés avec les co-détenteurs pour démonter que vous n'avez pas d'obstacle pour les exploiter.
Le marché
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "4 - Market and Competition analysis: Describe your business model and your target market, explain why customers would be willing to pay, who are the competitors and what are the advantages and disadvantages of your solution. Explain why your innovation will be successful in these markets." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "4 - Market and Competition analysis: Describe the target market - Total Addressable Market (TAM); Serviceable Available Market (SAM); Serviceable Obtainable Market (SOM); and market growth (Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)). Willingness to pay: explain why there is a willingness to pay from your targeted market customers . List POCs run with users and clients. Competitors and threats: who are your competitors? what are their limitations compared to what is offered by your expected solutions? "5 - Marketing and sales plan: Business model: what will be your business model, including the revenue model: key activities, resources, customer relationship, channels, revenues, scalability, geographical market. Describe your Go-to-Market Plan with milestones. What are the existing key barriers preventing market entry, and how can you overcome these barriers? Commercialisation strategy: what is your marketing approach and pricing policy? (upload any letters of intent as a separated annex, if relevant). Describe the potential for scaling up (turnover, licensing)." |
Pour l'analyse de la concurrence, il ne faut pas se limiter aux concurrents directs proposant une solution totalement comparable à celle que vous portez mais aussi considérer les concurrents indirects et potentiels.
Les impacts
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "5 - Broad impacts: "Describe and quantify, if possible, the broad expected impact of your innovation on society, the environment and climate, the UN Sustainable Development Goals and on job creation. Refer to any relevant EU policy." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "12 - Broad impacts: Describe the societal, economic, environmental and/or climate impact of your proposal. Describe your company’s potential to create jobs each year for the next 5 years, including indirect jobs if applicable. Explain how your proposal contributes to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Explain whether and how your proposal contributes to the development of technologies that are of strategic importance to Europe." |
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "6 - Team and management: Present your team, including the track record and key competences of the founders and key managers. Explain how you plan to ensure gender balance among your team members, including those in executive positions (at least CEO, CSO and CTO), identify missing skills, recruitment targets and employee retention plans designed to address the identified missing skills." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "6 - Team and management: Present your team, including: the track record of the founders and key managers; available skills and experience; how you plan to ensure gender balance among your team members, including those in executive positions (at least CEO, CSO and CTO); missing skills identified (target recruitment); recruitment plans, and employee retention plans designed to address the identified missing skills. Governance: describe your board of directors, consultants and advisors, and explain their added value and defined role in the project. Do you have an Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP) in place to incentivise key non-founding members of your team? Detail your capitalization table." |
Dans le tableau accompagnement cette question, il est demandé d'indiquer le niveau d'engagement en pourcentage ("Commitment (from 1% to 100%)") des personnes listées. Cela correspond au niveau d'engagement dans l'entreprise et non dans le projet faisant l'objet de la candidature.
Les risques
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | ∅ |
2 "Full Proposal" | "7 - Risks: Describe the financial risks and those risks linked to the technology, the market, the competition, the team2; and outline their likelihood, their expected effects and planned mitigation methods. - Legal and regulatory requirements to be fulfilled: describe the strategy for regulatory approvals and compliance; and what applicable EU legislation or standard might affect your project or, conversely, be affected by your projects? 2: Use this space to describe risks not directly linked to the project implementation, already requested in another section" |
Le sujet des risques inhérents au projet n'est pas directement évoqué dans l'étape 1 "Short Proposal" mais il peut être pertinent de les évoquer dès cette étale pour expliquer les raisons pour lesquelles vous n'avez pas été en mesure de lever les fonds nécessaires pour mener à bien votre projet ("7 - Funding request").
Le plan financier
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | ∅ |
2 "Full Proposal" | "8 - Financial plan: Describe your main hypothesis supporting figures in the mandatory annex “Financial plan and equity needed”, e.g. the projection of your turnover, the important capex and the main elements of your costs of goods sold. Use this space to comment on the figures shown in the excel table." |
Le plan de mise en oeuvre
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | ∅ |
2 "Full Proposal" | "9 - Implementation Plan: Work plan and resources" |
Le financement demandé à l'EIC
Étape | Question(s) associée(s) |
1 "Short Proposal" | "7 - Funding request: Describe your financial needs for grants and investment, explain why you have not been able to raise sufficient investment to carry out the project, and why you need the support of the EIC. Please note that the figures are indicative at this stage, and you will have the possibility to modify this within your full proposal." |
2 "Full Proposal" | "10 - How EU support takes the company to the next value point: Explain why you have not been able to raise sufficient investment to carry out the project, and why you need the support of the EIC. Are you in discussion currently, or planning to start a discussion, with private or public investors? If so, please explain. What is your overall funding strategy for the future? Elaborate on how the EIC funding will benefit the development of your innovation and scalability of your business. Which exit strategy do you foresee including the timeline and expected return on investment? Explain the assumptions behind this. Are there any financing issues that could compromise the ability of a project partner to exploit the innovation?" "11 - The EIC funding request: Which type of EIC funding are you requesting (i.e. grant only, blended, equity only)? If you are requesting investment only, please provide the number of the previous grant received under H2020 SME Instrument/EIC Accelerator Pilot or HE EIC Accelerator. Companies submitting a grant only proposal must provide detailed information on the activities and evidence that they have (or are in the process of obtaining) sufficient financial means (e.g. revenue flow, existing investors or shareholders) to finance the deployment and scaling up of your innovation. Companies submitting a blended finance or equity only proposal must explain if they are a subsidiary of another company (parent or holding) which is established in the territory of a Member State or Associated Country and itself eligible for EIC Accelerator support, and if the intended investment should in their view take place in the parent company or holding." |