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Le 05.12.2024
Découvrir Horizon Europe pour les primo-accédants
Vous ne connaissez pas le programme Horizon Europe ? Ce webinaire « Découvrir Horizon Europe : Guide pour les primo-accédants » est fait pour vous !
Expected Outcome:
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
The proposal is expected to address high-risk/high return technology developments for game changing renewable energy technologies. It could cover catalyst development, dedicated renewable energy storage systems, integration of renewable energy technologies into a single energy generation system, heating & cooling systems, fuels production systems, solar driven chemical processes, hybrid electricity generation solutions between different renewable energy sources, direct utilization of renewable energy sources.
The following areas are excluded from the scope of the topic as they fall within the scope of partnerships or other calls:
The proposal is expected to validate its concept to TRL 3 or TRL 4 through a robust research methodology and activities. It should establish the technological feasibility of its concept, consider transfer developments in sectors other than energy whenever relevant, as they may provide ideas, experiences, technology contributions, knowledge, new approaches, innovative adapted materials for energy and skills.
Whenever the direct use of biogenic waste is considered, it will be taken into account from the design stage.
In developing its concept, the proposal is expected to address the following related aspects: lower environmental impact, minimising the impacts on biodiversity and protected species and habitats, better resource efficiency (materials, geographical footprints, water, etc…), issues related to social acceptability or resistance to new energy technologies, related socioeconomic and livelihood issues. Comparison with current commercial renewable energy technologies and/or solutions is expected. Impacts will be assessed through a quantified based Life Cycle Analysis. Considerations should be given to the regulatory frameworks for their adequate integration.