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Le 05.12.2024
Découvrir Horizon Europe pour les primo-accédants
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Proposal results are expected to contribute to:
Proposals should also lay the groundwork for future exploitation and further enhancements. If successful, those could be supported by future calls within KDT and/or other programs. Ultimately, the efforts should accelerate the developments in the field of open-source hardware and render it accessible to a wider community.
Special attention should be paid to the inclusion of industrial players and a user centric view in the consortia.
Proposals for this call will develop RISC-V compliant IP blocks. Certain IP blocks may be proprietary solutions; however, a large share of developed building blocks provided with a permissive open-source licence is preferred. All developed blocks must come with publicly available documentation, benchmarks, verification suites, and validated reference designs (including firmware/drivers, if required).
For this call, the RISC-V architectural aspect of the proposed IP building blocks should be clearly identifiable. Furthermore, each IP block should be able to demonstrate the optimisation goals it was designed for (low power, high security, processing acceleration, etc.) in realistic application contexts and appropriate use cases.
The following is a list of building blocks of which some must be developed in the proposed project. This list is not definitive but rather an indication of the kind of blocks. A definitive list should be discussed with the consortia selected under HORIZON-CL4-2021-
DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-05. In addition, the selected building blocks must support the common European roadmap and the ecosystem for RISC-V.
In addition to the RISC-V blocks listed above, the following technologies are considered as examples of useful complements to the base blocks, and are considered in scope for this call if developed in open-source form, again with documentation, verification and validation suites:
According to the strategy defined in the projects of HORIZON-CL4-2021-DIGITAL-EMERGING-01-05 and the common European roadmap for RISC-V, proposals will also need to develop re-usable verification infrastructure that supports a repository, which includes IP blocks accompanied by test frameworks for safety/security.
A compliance standard is defined that certifies interoperability and industrial readiness of open-source hardware solutions. For the application in safety-critical environments, this compliance standard should include the requirements in accordance with relevant safety standards, e.g. ISO 26262. If other standards are relevant, they should be considered in the proposal too.
One or more demonstrators should be built in a close to industrial environment with a number of RISC-V building blocks in combination with necessary proprietary IP relevant for the application areas of interest. For instance, in the safety/security area, hardware/software co-certification for safety and security should be demonstrated.
A software development platform must be created (for compiler, linker, debugger, middleware, etc.) that proposes highly efficient code (in terms of power, speed, etc.) based on state-of-the-art programming languages.
Some of the developed building blocks could be supported by the current EUROPRACTICE- processes at 65 nm and smaller.
In terms of exploitation, the proposals must assess the sustainable provisions to support industrial use, including administrative and legal support, especially towards SMEs. The developed methods and standards should be prepared for incorporation into an organisation/setup that makes the results industrially available beyond project duration.
Of importance to this call are:
Reminding that of general importance to the KDT calls are: