Identifiant du topic: HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01-09

Games and culture shaping our society

Type d'action : HORIZON Research and Innovation Actions
Nombre d'étapes : Single stage
Date d'ouverture : 20 janvier 2022
Date de clôture : 20 avril 2022 17:00
Budget : €9 000 000
Call : Research and innovation on cultural heritage and CCIs - 2022
Call Identifier : HORIZON-CL2-2022-HERITAGE-01
Description :


Projects should contribute to at least two of the following expected outcomes:

  • Evidence of the impact of games on European society, including their cultural value and risks.
  • Evidence of the innovation potential of games and play (on-line or other).
  • New knowledge on the role of the games industry and non-commercial creative practices in the EU to benefit society.
  • Improved knowledge of legal and intellectual property rights issues linked to the gaming population and games industry in the international markets.
  • Proposals for improving games in terms of positive impact on education, skillsets, responsible business models, employment chances, social cohesion and creativity.


Games are fast growing, fast changing parts of industry known for their advanced role in ICT. Yet, although millions of Europeans play these games, the impact of games on European culture and society, as well as on its cohesion and values has not been thoroughly researched.

Research should address these gaps in knowledge, which include possible differences between age groups, gender and socioeconomic backgrounds, the current situation in game literacy or the digital divide. Games are a form of culture where new communication and languages, as well as new artistic expressions, are being developed in particular by younger generations. However, there is limited knowledge about the potential benefits and shortcomings of games in terms of learning and creativity. In today’s ever-expanding market, games and emerging forms of play are involved in many aspects of our societies. However, research has neither sufficiently addressed the cultural value, impact, innovation potential, nor the possible risks for individuals and society that games can present. Proposals should address the risks brought by the digital game world on phenomena such as social exclusion, intolerance and harassment, with a view to possible policy options and actions.

Proposals should address the role of games in culture and in shaping European societies, their cohesion and values, with the objective of developing new knowledge and evidence for policymaking. Proposals should address legal and IPR issues linked to the gaming population and its creative work. Relevant stakeholders, including CCIs, other creatives, non-commercial interests and policy makers, should be involved to ensure the research and results respond well to the needs. This new knowledge and evidence should provide input for policymaking and for improved practices.

Cross-cutting Priorities:

Artificial IntelligenceSocial sciences and humanitiesDigital Agenda