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Le 05.12.2024
Découvrir Horizon Europe pour les primo-accédants
Vous ne connaissez pas le programme Horizon Europe ? Ce webinaire « Découvrir Horizon Europe : Guide pour les primo-accédants » est fait pour vous !
Expected Outcome:
Projects should contribute to at least one of the following expected outcomes:
European arts and cultural heritage have an intrinsic value in enriching our lives, but also reflect our way of life, and contribute to shaping our society and its values. They are important elements of our creativity and innovation, on which we build economic growth and social development. They also have a role in shaping the way Europe is perceived from afar, thus being important assets for our “soft power” and for promoting Europe’s place in the world. If Europe wants to maintain its place in a globalised world, it is in our interest to step up common efforts to promote Europe’s culture, values and interests.
However, we are not necessarily aware of, or appreciate, the diversity of European arts and cultural heritage and its important role in democratic society. The challenge of research is to contribute knowledge as well as to identify ways of reinforcing common European action for the benefit or our society.
New and creative approaches may be required to broaden its attractiveness and reach – e.g. contemporary art forms, design, modern technology and media. Similarly, exposing international audiences more widely to European art, culture and values could raise interest, recognition and potentially lead to increased competitiveness. Cooperation with cultural and creative stakeholders, e.g. artists, actors and designers is encouraged to attract and engage the public and in particular young people.
Europe is in global competition for markets and investments, where industrial and service competitors use every available tool including cultural policy and cultural diplomacy in their international promotion efforts. European research, in cooperation with cultural and creative sectors and a wide range of stakeholders, should contribute new knowledge as well as identifying ways of reinforcing common European action to promote Europe’ s culture, values and interests for the benefit of our societies and prosperity. Digital solutions and cutting-edge technologies should be considered. In order to draw lessons for policy, it is important to assess the actions of competitors, while evaluating the effectiveness of the common European action and its potential. Research should contribute to identifying ways of more effectively promoting common European interests at a global level, leveraging resources and forging closer cooperation between cultural, creative and economic partners.
[1] European values are cornerstones of the EU and are defined in the Treaty on European Union, Title 1 “Common Provisions”, Article 2: “The Union is founded on the values of respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law and respect for human rights, including the rights of persons belonging to minorities. These values are common to the Member States in a society in which pluralism, non-discrimination, tolerance, justice, solidarity and equality between women and men prevail”.