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Le 05.12.2024
Découvrir Horizon Europe pour les primo-accédants
Vous ne connaissez pas le programme Horizon Europe ? Ce webinaire « Découvrir Horizon Europe : Guide pour les primo-accédants » est fait pour vous !
The EIC Accelerator Open has no predefined thematic priorities and is open to proposals in any field of technology or application.
The EIC Accelerator supports the later stages of technology development as well as scale up. The technology component of your innovation must therefore have been tested and validated in a laboratory or other relevant environment (e.g. at least Technology Readiness Level 5 or higher). The EIC Accelerator looks to support companies where the EIC support will act as a catalyst to crowd in other investors necessary for the scale up of the innovation.
The EIC Accelerator focuses on innovations building on scientific discovery or technological breakthroughs (‘deep tech’) and where significant funding is needed over a long timeframe before returns can be generated (‘patient capital’). Such innovations often struggle to attract financing because the risks and time period involved are too high. Funding and support from the EIC Accelerator is designed to enable such innovators to attract the full investment amounts needed for scale up in a shorter timeframe.
For further information, please see the EIC Work Programme 2023.