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Le 10.09.2024
Webinaire EIC Accélérateur sur l'étape 2 "Full Proposal" - 10 septembre 2024
L'équipe du PCN EIC Accélérateur organise un webinaire le mardi 10 septembre de 11h à 12h.
Projects’ results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:
Digitalisation develops faster than the ability of society to adjust. Digital technologies are a driving force for empowering citizens in taking on an active role in the just energy transition. Increased acceptability of new digital technologies is pivotal: actions should focus on benefits of new digital services and users experience to overcome the expected friction of end-consumer on boarding, developing innovative tools for engagement and literacy. Social innovation tools and multi-disciplinary approaches and engagement of policy makers at various levels, the private sector, civil society and citizens at large are required.
Accordingly, proposed activities will address all of the following:
Projects are required to utilize the data exchange infrastructure that is being developed under ongoing EU-funded under Horizon 2020, Horizon Europe and the Digital Europe Program.
The project is required take into account, and collaborate with, where considered necessary, existing Living Labs (e.g. EnergyVille, TomorrowLab and living labs funded entirely by EU projects as study or demonstration site) to test integrated consumer services the ongoing relevant Blueprint projects from the Erasmus + program, relevant initiatives by Digital Innovation Hubs, the European Climate Pact, EC Digital Education action plan and any other relevant initiative.
Projects are required to seek synergies with Horizon Europe instruments, including those of bottom-up nature like ERC, MSCA, EIT KICs, as well as its European partnerships.
Cooperation with activities of the Green Powered Future Mission (Pillar 3) of Mission Innovation is encouraged[1].
The selected projects are expected to contribute to the BRIDGE initiative[2], actively participate to its activities and allocate up to 2% of their budgets to that end. Additional contributions to the ‘Alliance for Internet of Things Innovation’ (AIOTI) and other relevant activities (e.g. clusters of digital projects and coordinating actions) might be considered, when relevant.
Moreover, projects are expected to take into account the outcomes of the work of the Citizens and Consumers Engagement Working Group and data coming from the Consumers Empowerment Benchmark developed by the European Commission.
This topic requires the effective contribution of SSH disciplines and the involvement of SSH experts, institutions as well as the inclusion of relevant SSH expertise, in order to produce meaningful and significant effects enhancing the societal impact of the related research activities.
Specific Topic Conditions:
Activities are expected to achieve TRL 6-7 by the end of the project – see General Annex B.
[1]Applicants are reminded that legal entities established in China are not eligible to participate in Innovation Actions in any capacity. Please refer to the Annex B of the General Annexes of this Work Programme for further details.