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Le 10.09.2024
Webinaire EIC Accélérateur sur l'étape 2 "Full Proposal" - 10 septembre 2024
L'équipe du PCN EIC Accélérateur organise un webinaire le mardi 10 septembre de 11h à 12h.
Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following expected outcomes:
Development of biological and chemical solutions to use the effluent gases from bioenergy combustion systems and upgrade biogenic carbon emissions for the production of renewable energy carriers with renewable hydrogen for later reuse as feedstock for energy needs and achieving carbon circularity. This requires system components (e.g. catalysts), which are cost-effective and robust to flue gas toxicity and interface with the underlying bioenergy combustion system without compromising system performance in respect of technical efficiency and sustainability.
The effluent fixing solution has to be implemented in the conditions of the bioenergy combustion system and provide an integrated structure at the TRL requested. The reuse of the biogenic emissions should be addressed. The assessment of the combustion gas upgrading should be done at pilot scale and cost analysis of how this is a beneficial carbon capture and use solution should be provided.
Socio-economic aspects including SDGs and impacts when applying such solutions in regions in transition from coal or other fossil fuels should be analysed and illustrated in the proposal.
Specific Topic Conditions:
Activities are expected to achieve TRL 5 by the end of the project – see General Annex B.