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Le 10.09.2024
Webinaire EIC Accélérateur sur l'étape 2 "Full Proposal" - 10 septembre 2024
L'équipe du PCN EIC Accélérateur organise un webinaire le mardi 10 septembre de 11h à 12h.
The successful proposal will support the delivery of solutions to implement the European Green Deal, the circular economy action plan (CEAP) and the bioeconomy strategy. The topic will support the transition towards a sustainable, regenerative, inclusive and just circular economy across regions of Europe at local and regional scale.
The Circular Cities and Regions Initiative’s Project Development Assistance (CCRI-PDA) projects are part of the implementation of the European Commission’s Circular Cities and Regions Initiative (CCRI)[1]. They will be carried out in close coordination and cooperation with the CCRI Coordination and Support Office (CCRI-CSO).
Investors and lenders need to gain more confidence in investment projects in the field of circular economy which are still seen as risky. European added value can be achieved, for example, where projects introduce innovation to the market regarding financing solutions minimising transaction costs and engaging the private finance community. European added value could also be achieved where projects demonstrably address legal, administrative and other market opportunities and challenges for innovative and sustainable circular economy investment schemes.
Projects results are expected to contribute to all the following expected outcomes:
The CCRI-PDA service targets public and private project promoters such as local and regional authorities or their groupings, public/private infrastructure operators and bodies, utilities and services, industry (including SMEs).
The purpose of the CCRI-PDA is to help project promoters develop their circular economy proposals at local and regional scale by bringing together the technical, economic and legal expertise.
The CCRI-PDA should provide support for those activities necessary to prepare and mobilise finance for investment projects, such as feasibility studies, stakeholder and community mobilisation, business plans and preparation for tendering procedures or setting up a specific financing scheme/financial engineering.
The CCRI-PDA should focus on activities aimed at increasing circularity in product value chains that are relevant for the transition towards a sustainable circular economy at local and/or regional scale. The economic sectors and investment proposals involved in each CCRI-PDA service should be clearly specified and selected according to local and/or regional circular economy needs, resources and potential. This selection should be clearly justified and explained.
Ideally, the proposed investments should be launched before the end of the project, which means that proposals should result in signed contracts with investors for circular economy investments at local and regional scale to that effect. Furthermore, the proposals should provide tangible showcases that trigger further market replication.
In addition, proposals should also include an exemplary/showcase to increase circularity in specific sector(s) at local and regional scale and/or in the size of the expected investments and leverage factors[2];
In addition, all proposals should demonstrate a high degree of replicability and include a clear action plan to communicate experiences and results to potential replicators across EU Member States and Associated Countries.
Indicatively, the CCRI-PDA focuses on small and medium-sized circular economy investments of up to EUR 20 million[3] (for a single proposal or a portfolio of proposals).
The EU contribution per proposal should not exceed 10% of the related investment.
Proposals should justify the budget for the project development assistance needed based on the expected investment portfolio to be set up. This includes the amount of investments that is expected to be triggered and the respective leverage factors to be achieved.
Proposals are expected to ensure synergies and complementarities with other EU financial schemes for circular economy projects. Proposals should ensure that all evidence, information and project outcomes will be accessible through the CCRI website (incl. business models and other studies).
In this topic the integration of the gender dimension (sex and gender analysis) in research and innovation content is not a mandatory requirement.
[2]i.e. amount of investments in the circular economy triggered per each EUR of Horizon Europe support.
[3]The Circular Economy Technical Assistance Facility (CETAF) will focus on projects and programmes with a minimum total investment volume of EUR 20 million.