Identifiant du topic: HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01-8

Broaden EIP Operational Group outcomes across borders by means of thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice

Type d'action : HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Nombre d'étapes : Single stage
Date d'ouverture : 17 octobre 2023
Date de clôture : 28 février 2024 17:00
Budget : €4 000 000
Call : Innovative governance, environmental observations and digital solutions in support of the Green Deal
Call Identifier : HORIZON-CL6-2024-GOVERNANCE-01
Description :


In support of the European Green Deal, the EU climate policy, the common agricultural policy (CAP) and the farm to fork strategy objectives and targets, the successful proposals will focus on knowledge sharing in a language that is easy to understand and targeted to farmers and foresters. They will address the necessity of primary producers for impartial and tailored knowledge on the management choices related to the needs, challenges or opportunities they experience. They will also speed up innovation and the uptake of results, and will be key to improving sustainability.

They will contribute to effective Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS[1]), thereby adding value to the knowledge and cost-effectiveness of innovative practices and techniques in and across primary production sectors, food and bioeconomy systems, and lead to more informed and engaged stakeholders and users of project results.

Despite the continued funding of scientific projects, new knowledge, innovative ideas and methods from practice are not sufficiently captured and spread. The research findings are often not integrated into agricultural and forestry practice. The proposals, acting at EU level to remedy this, are essential because national and sectoral agricultural knowledge and innovation systems (AKISs) are insufficiently connected and organised to fully meet the challenge of intensifying thematic cooperation between researchers, advisors and farmers/foresters. This exchange of knowledge will foster economically viable and sustainable agriculture and forestry and build trust between the main AKIS actors. It will scale local solutions up to the EU level and may even influence policy design wherever useful.

Project results are expected to contribute to all of the following outcomes:

  • Contribution to the cross-cutting objective of the CAP on modernising the sector by fostering and sharing of knowledge, innovation and digitalisation in agriculture and rural areas, and encouraging their uptake[2], as well as to the European Green Deal and farm to fork strategy objectives and targets, including climate change and carbon farming.
  • Collection and distribution of easily accessible practice-oriented knowledge on the thematic area chosen, in particular the existing innovative solutions, best practices and research findings that are ready to be put into practice, but not sufficiently known or used by practitioners.
  • Maintenance of practical knowledge in the long-term – beyond the project period – in particular by using the main trusted dissemination channels which farmers/foresters most often consult.
  • Increased flow of practical information between farmers/foresters in the EU in a geographically balanced way, creating spill-overs and taking account of the differences between territories.
  • Greater user acceptance of collected solutions and a more intensive dissemination of existing knowledge, by connecting actors, policies, projects and instruments to speed up innovation and promote the faster and wider co-creation and transposition of innovative solutions into practice.


Proposals should address the following activities:

  • Build on the experiences and outcomes of at least 5 EIP-AGRI Operational Groups of at least 3 Member States and choose a common theme related to the themes of the 5 Operational Group projects.
  • Tackle the most urgent needs of farmers and foresters. Collect, summarise, share and translate the existing knowledge from science and practice, resulting from the EIP operational Groups and beyond, in an easy-to-understand language for practitioners.
  • Compile a comprehensive description of the state of current farming practices on the chosen theme to explain the added value of the proposal and the relevance of the theme. Proposals should focus on the cost/benefit aspects of the practices collected and summarised, and clarify how the project avoids duplication with ongoing or completed projects and networks.
  • Deliver an extensive range of useful, applicable and appealing end-user material for farmers and foresters. This info should be easy to access and understand, and feed into the existing dissemination channels most consulted by farmers and foresters in the countries.
  • Deliver as much audio-visual material and as many “practice abstracts” in the common EIP-AGRI format as possible, also including education and training materials.
  • All materials should also be provided to the European Innovation Partnership (EIP-AGRI) 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' in the common 'practice abstract' format, as well as to national/regional/local AKIS channels and to the EU wide interactive knowledge reservoir (HORIZON-CL6-2021-GOVERNANCE-01-24) in the requested formats.
  • In addition to giving the details on the EIP Operational Groups whose involvement is strongly recommended[3], wherever possible and relevant to the chosen theme, provide also details on how further synergies will be built with future EIP Operational Groups and interactive innovation groups operating in the context of the EIP-AGRI.
  • Proposals must implement the 'multi-actor approach', with a consortium based on a balanced mix of actors with complementary knowledge clearly activating farmers/foresters, farmers' groups and advisors and run for a minimum of 3 years.
  • In order to better reach and capture knowledge from the targeted farmers/foresters, the networks may organise 'cross-fertilisation' through sub-networks covering, for example, a region, a language or a production system.

[1]AKIS means the organisation and knowledge flows between persons, organisations and institutions who use and produce knowledge for agriculture and interrelated fields (Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation).

[2]Art 5 CAP post 2020 proposal.

[3]According to the requirements of the multi-actor approach.