Identifiant du topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-62

Boosting industrial symbiosis by standardisation (CSA)

Type d'action : HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Nombre d'étapes : Single stage
Date d'ouverture : 08 décembre 2022
Date de clôture : 29 mars 2023 17:00
Budget : €2 000 000
Call : A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies
Call Identifier : HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01
Description :


Proposals are expected to contribute to the following outcomes:

  • Reinforcing the links between standardisation and research and innovation in circular value chains, ensuring that standardisation facilitates cross-sector interoperability at all levels.
  • Facilitating the market entry of innovative solutions, which could aid the circularity of resources and zero pollution.
  • Identifying the major bottlenecks for standardisation related framework conditions to support industrial symbiosis.
  • In order to support the implementation of the ERA Industrial technology roadmap for low carbon technologies[1], helping the development of agile and green standards to ensure interoperability in the domain of industrial symbiosis.


As emphasised in the European Green Deal and in the New Industrial Strategy for Europe, developing new standards, coupled with increased EU participation in international standardisation bodies, will be essential to boost industry’s competitiveness and build a sustainable and more inclusive future.

This action will identify solutions on how standardisation can allow stakeholders at all levels develop a shared understanding of processes by which waste or by‐products of an industry or industrial process become the raw materials for another.

The action will cover manufacturing and process industries in a wider context taking into consideration waste treatment and management, energy use and materials sourcing. It will evaluate the impact of industrial symbiosis on the environment and strengthen the link between environmental science and policymaking. In this multidisciplinary approach standards have a key role as they reduce the multiplicity of approaches, terminologies, measurements allowing for accurate benchmarking and target setting.

The selected project may benefit from being addressed by a consortium that includes a variety of stakeholders covering, inter alia, industry, energy, environment and SSH.

[1] file:///C:/Users/targerg/Downloads/KI0121501ENN.en%20(1).pdf