Identifiant du topic: HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-82

Art-driven digital innovation: Towards human compatible and ecologically conscious technology (CSA)

Type d'action : HORIZON Coordination and Support Actions
Nombre d'étapes : Single stage
Date d'ouverture : 08 décembre 2022
Date de clôture : 29 mars 2023 17:00
Budget : €3 000 000
Call : A human-centred and ethical development of digital and industrial technologies
Call Identifier : HORIZON-CL4-2023-HUMAN-01-CNECT
Description :


This call encourages a mind change regarding the role of the arts in R&I in the spirit of a European innovation policy based on culture and values. It is building on results of the S+T+ARTS program that has demonstrated concrete benefits of art-technology collaboration for digital innovation and uptake of digital in society and economy.

  1. Facilitate artistic experimentation with (digital) technologies to accelerate development and novel use cases of digital technologies. The emphasise will be on ecologically conscious and human compatible technologies and use cases of technologies.

To this end, the consortium will fund (via FSTP in form of grants) S+T+ARTS residencies of artists to be hosted by EC funded projects, technology institutions, or SMEs/industrial actors (both digital providers and end-users of digital). In the spirit of the topic, hosts of residencies must provide access to technology free of cost. The consortium will mentor residencies and help in follow-up/exploitation of the outcomes (commercial or other). Non-exclusive examples of intended outcomes include:

  • Art-driven development and use of human compatible Artificial Intelligence (AI) in spirit of the EC communication on ‘Trustworthy AI’
  • Art-driven applications of high-performance computing (visualisation, simulation etc).
  • Art as a catalyst for uptake of the digital in society and economy in the spirit of digital innovation hubs.
  • Art-driven use of technology to facilitate the Green Transition and contribute to UN Sustainable Development goals in the spirit of the ‘New European Bauhaus’ (urban development, green manufacturing, circular economy, water management, etc.)
  • Art-driven use of digital media to fight disinformation, for example to promote factual narratives and change behaviour in context of Green Transition and climate change.
    • b. Continuation of the annual S+T+ARTS prize: Achieve visibility of successful art and technology collaborations via an annual prize (FSTP in form of prizes) in two categories - to be defined by proposers, organize annual calls (launch, evaluation) and disseminate the prizes and its winners in an award ceremony and a travelling exhibition
    • c. Organise an annual AI and music S+T+ARTS Festival. The festival will highlight synergies of digital – in particular AI - with human creativity in art and music. Artistic use of digital can push limits of digital technology and is considered a measure of compatibility of digital with human values and needs.


While Europe is strongly pushing innovation based on technological and scientific progress, it has always put social and ecological priorities on the same level as economic growth. This has led to a new alliance of the arts with S&T as part of a European innovation policy rooted in values and culture. Artists become key drivers of ‘art-driven innovation’ towards ecologically conscious and human compatible technologies. In this spirit, DG CONNECT launched S+T+ARTS - innovation at the nexus of Science, Technology and the ARTS – and the European Commission president proposed the ‘New European Bauhaus’, where synergies between art and novel technologies are identified as enablers of the Green Transition. The present call will thus encourage actors in R&I to adopt artistic experimentation as a complementary method for technology development and use across all EC programs.

The Commission considers a duration of 36 months as appropriate.